Yukie Hori
Academic History
- Ph.D. in Visual Arts from Tokyo University of the Arts
- Master in Visual Arts from University of Sao Paulo
- Bachelor in Multimedia Arts from University of Sao Paulo
Faculty of Humanities and Health Sciences
Contact Details
Research Profile
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0009-4426-2575
- LATTES: https://lattes.cnpq.br/6239476138580578
Research Interests
- Visual Arts
- Film Studies
- Cultural Studies
- Japanese Studies
- Visual Communication
- Design
Visual artist, designer, and researcher. Investigating the contexts of art creation, reception, and circulation, as well as its transcultural movements across various locations and media, her research and artistic practices involve creating visual and textual essays that explore the connections and interactions between Japanese and Brazilian contemporary arts and aesthetics. Hori’s works have been exhibited internationally in solo and group shows and are part of art collections in cultural institutions in Brazil, such as the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, the Ribeirão Preto Museum of Art, and the PIPA Institute. In addition, she has extensive experience in the creative industry as a graphic designer.
Fellowships, Awards, Certifications, Achievements and Appointments
2019: Nomura Foundation Award, Japan (awarded as art group)
2016: Ueno Geidai Award / Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan (awarded)
2014: V Prêmio Diário Contemporâneo de Fotografia, Brazil (awarded)
2013: VI Prêmio Artes Plásticas Marcantonio Vilaça e Rede Nacional FUNARTE Artes Visuais, Brazil (awarded)
2013: Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel / Ministry of Education, CAPES, Brazil (scholarship for the completion of the master’s course)
2011: UNESCO Aschberg Bursary Programme for Artists. Art residency at Bundanon Trust Art Centre, New South Wales, Australia (awarded)
2010: KAIR (Kamiyama Artist-in-Residence). Art residency at Kamiyama town, Tokushima, Japan (granted)
2010: LSC Artist Residency Programme. Art residency at Leitrim Sculpture Centre, Ireland (granted)
2009: 34° Salão de Arte do Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto, Brazil (awarded)
2009: FONCA (Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes), Residencia Artísticas para Creadores de Iberoamérica en México. Art residency at Centro de Artes de San Agustin and Centro Nacional de Las Artes, Mexico (granted)
2008: Programa de Exposições do Centro Cultural São Paulo – Prêmio residência. Brazil. Art residency RIAA (Residencia Internacional de Artistas en Argentina) at Viejo Hotel Ostende, Argentina (awarded)
2008: JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) Nikkei Leader Programme (scholarship for training course at University of Tsukuba)
Ensaio fotográfico (Photo-essay). Ars Journal, Vol. 11, No. 21, 2013. Universidade de São Paulo-USP. ISSN 2178-0447 (Journal article) https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2178-0447.ars.2013.64432
Pacotes/ Sonho/ Tese (Package/ Dream/ Thesis). Revista Têmpora, Vol. 6, No 17, 2024. Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco. ISSN 2674-5909 (Journal article)
Ensaio perambulante entre ocidente e oriente: fotografia, cinema e literatura (Wandering essay between West and East: Photography, Cinema and Literature). Festival Internacional de Fotografia de Belo Horizonte – FIF Universidade: Mundo, Imagem, Mundo. ISBN: 978-85-93581-00-7 (Conference paper)
A cor e a linha nos jardins em estilo karesansui (Color and line in karesansui style gardens). Oriente-se: Ampliando Fronteiras: Encontro Internacional de Pesquisadores em Arte Oriental, São Paulo: UNIFESP, 2014. ISBN: 978-85-66540-08-6 (Conference paper)