Edza Aria Wikurendra, Ph.D
Academic History
- Ph.D. of Environmental Management (2024). Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science, Hungary
- Master of Environmental Health (2018). Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
- Bachelor of Environmental Health (2016). STIKes Widyagama Husada Malang, Indonesia
- Associate Degree of Environmental Health (2014). Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Surabaya, Indonesia
Lecturer, Department of Health Sciences
Faculty of Humanities and Health Sciences
Contact Details
Telephone: + 60 85 630100 Ext. 2623
Location: Prinia 1 (SK3) Room 110
Email: edzaaria@curtin.edu.my
Research Profile
- Scopus Author ID: 57225988981 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57225988981
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=xLJSj-4AAAAJ&hl=en
- Web of Science: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/Y-5226-2018
- ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5020-375X https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5020-375X
- Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Edza-Wikurendra-2
Research Interests
- Environmental Health
- Environmental Management
- Environmental Economy
- Waste Management
- Environmental Sustainability
- Biomass and Renewable Energy
Professional Experience
- Visiting Researcher, 2023, Center for Resource Management and Solid Waste Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Kassel.
- Assistant Professor, 2018 – 2024, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, Indonesia
- Assistant Lecturer, 2016 – 2018, Environmental Health Study Program, STIKes Widyagama Husada Malang, Indonesia
Fellowships, Awards, Certifications, Achievements and Appointments
- Green Talents Awardee 2022 From German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
- Scholarships holder of European Forum Alpbach 2023.
- Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarships holder for doctoral studies in 2020 from Hungary Government.
- Masyarakat Berprestasi: Unggulan Scholarships holder for master studies in 2016 from Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia.
Professional Affiliation
- Member, Ikatan Ilmuwan Indonesia Internasional (I4), Indonesia
- Member, Himpunan Ahli Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia (HAKLI), Indonesia
- Member, Indonesian Public Health Association (IPHA), Indonesia
Professional Activities
- Editor-in-Chief
Environmental Research and Planetary Health
- Co-Editor in Chief
Environmental and Toxicology Management (e-ISSN 2776-1886)
- Editorial Board Member
- Ikesma: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat
- Jurnal Sport Science
- ABDIMAYUDA: Indonesian Journal of Community Empowerment for Health
- Narra X
Scopus Indexed:
- Kusumaningrum, S. D., Wikurendra, E. A., & Marhadi, M. (2024). How can sustainability add value in destination marketing? the tourist perspective. Cogent Business & Management, 11(1).
- Bakar, B. A.; Idawanni, I.; Azis, A.; Kurniawati, S.; Giamerti, Y.; Yardha, Y.; Purba, R.; Abdullah, S.; Jonharnas, J.; Mustikawati, D. R., Chiari, W. and Wikurendra, E.A. (2024). Bibliometric analysis of biochar application for environmental management in agricultural sector. Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 10(SI): 237-250.
- Kusuma, I.Y., Iqbal, M., Wikurendra, E.A. and Herdiani, N., 2024. Effects of nutraceuticals on antibiotic efficacy: a scoping review. CyTA-Journal of Food, 22(1), p.2353875.
- Fasya, A.H.Z., Wikurendra, E.A., Syafiuddin, A. and Ibad, M., 2024. Comprehensive Public Place Sanitation Evaluation Based on the Complete Component in Community-Based Total Sanitation. Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 18(5), pp.e05625-e05625.
- Ningrum, P.T., Nurika, G., Al Mamun, A., Ma’rufi, I., Pujiati, R.S., Moelyaningrum, A.D., Hartanti, R.I., Indrayani, R., Akbar, K.A. and Wikurendra, E.A., 2024. Working Hours and Personal Protective Equipment Effect on Blood Cholinesterase Levels of Tobacco Plantation Workers. Malaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences, 20(1). pp. 78–83.
- Wikurendra, E.A., Csonka, A., Nagy, I. and Nurika, G., 2024. Urbanization and Benefit of Integration Circular Economy into Waste Management in Indonesia: A Review. Circular Economy and Sustainability, pp.1-30.
- Nurika, G., Abidah, H.N., Wikurendra, E.A. and Ningtyias, F.W., 2023. Microplastic Pollution in Green Shells in Aquatic Ecosystems: A Literature Review of Determinant Factors and Management. Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan, 15(4). pp. 257–266.
- Aan Adriansyah, A., Setianto, B., Lukiyono, Y.T. and Wikurendra, E.A., 2023. Proactive method for identification and handling of patient complaints with root cause analysis in Surabaya Islamic Hospital. Journal of Public Health Research, 12(4), p.22799036231208357.
- Andini, A., Veterini, L., Wikurendra, E.A., Syafiuddin, A., Rimasari, D. and Aida, M.N., 2023. Histopathological findings of the liver and kidneys of wistar rat exposed to insect repellent. Bali Medical Journal, 12(2), pp.1330-1333.
- Elisanti, A.D., Jayanti, R.D., Amareta, D.I., Ardianto, E.T. and Wikurendra, E.A., Macronutrient intake in stunted and non-stunted toddlers in Jember, Indonesia. Journal of Public Health Research, 12(3), p.22799036231197178.
- Wikurendra, E.A., Abdeljawad, N.S. and Nagy, I., 2023. A Review of Municipal Waste Management with Zero Waste Concept: Strategies, Potential and Challenge in Indonesia. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 14(2). pp. 147–154.
- Kurnianto, A.A., Fehér, G., Tololiu, K.E., Wikurendra, E.A., Nemeskéri, Z. and Ágoston, I., 2023. Analysis of the return to work program for disabled workers during the pandemic COVID-19 using the quality of life and work ability index: cross-sectional study. International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(4), p.3094.
- Argaheni, N.B., Juwita, S. and Wikurendra, E.A., 2023. Parents’ perception of cough and cold self-medication of age under five. In Improving Health for Better Future Life: Strengthening from Basic Science to Clinical Research (pp. 242-246). CRC Press.
- Lukiyono, Y.T., Wikurendra, E.A., Zain, S.S. and Utomo, S.S., 2023. Nutrient analysis of fermented chicken feather fertilizer waste using Bacillus subtilis on the growth of green spinach (Amaranthus tricolor). Bali Medical Journal, 12(3), pp.2855-2858.
- Wikurendra, E.A., Syafiuddin, A., Herdiani, N. and Nurika, G., 2023. Forecast of Waste Generated and Waste Fleet using Linear Regression Model. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 32(2). pp. 1867–1876.
- Chean-Yiing, B.L., Yusuf, S.Y., Jamian, N.R., Kasmani, R.M., Rashid, A.M., Naidu, D., Wikurendra, E.A. and Fasya, A.H.Z., 2022. A review on the effects of flame retardant additives towards the environment and human health. Biointerface Res. Appl. Chem., 12, pp.7983-7993.
- Kamarudin, N.S., Dahalan, F.A., Hasan, M., An, O.S., Parmin, N.A., Ibrahim, N., Hamdzah, M., Zain, N.A.M., Muda, K. and Wikurendra, E.A., 2022. Biochar: A review of its history, characteristics, factors that influence its yield, methods of production, application in wastewater treatment and recent development. Biointerface Res. Appl. Chem, 12(6), pp.7914-7926.
- Kow, S.H., Fahmi, M.R., Abidin, C.Z.A., Abdul, N., Wikurendra, E.A. and Handayani, D., 2021. Influence of leachate matrix on oxidation performance of ozonation and AOPs. Biointerface Res. Appl. Chem, 12, pp.7903-7913.
- Setiawan, B., Afin, R., Wikurendra, E.A., Nathan, R.J. and Fekete-Farkas, M., 2022. Covid-19 pandemic, asset prices, risks, and their convergence: A survey of Islamic and G7 stock market, and alternative assets. Borsa Istanbul Review, 22, pp.S47-S59.
- Wikurendra, E.A, Aini, S., Nagy, I., Nurika, G., Herdiani, N. and Shamsudin, S., 2022. Source of microplastic pollution within human stool in the Surabaya River Basin Area. Journal of Chemical Health Risks, 5(4), p.581.
- Wikurendra, E.A., Syafiuddin, A., Nurika, G. and Elisanti, A.D., 2022. Water quality analysis of pucang river, sidoarjo regency to control water pollution. Environmental Quality Management, 32(1), pp.133-144.
- Wikurendra, E.A., Ferto, I., Nagy, I. and Nurika, G., 2022. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of waste management with circular economy principles in developing countries: A systematic review. Environmental Quality Management, 32(1), pp.87-94.
- Zainol, N.A., Baharuddin, A., Yusoff, N.A., Sohaimi, K.S.A., Rohaizad, N.M., Ghani, A.A., Wikurendra, E.A., Andini, A. and Syafiuddin, A., 2022. Removal of methylene blue dye from aqueous solution by using orange peel treated with acid as an adsorbent. Desalination and Water Treatment, 260, pp.161-168.
- Umami, A., Sukmana, H., Wikurendra, E.A. and Paulik, E., 2022. A review on water management issues: potential and challenges in Indonesia. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 8(3), p.63.
- Yusoff, N.A., Shahib, N.M., Zainol, N.A., Sohaimi, K.S.A., Rohaizad, N.M., Wikurendra, E.A., Andini, A. and Syafiuddin, A., 2022. Microwave-assisted synthesis and characterization of polyacrylamide grafted cellulose derived from waste newspaper for surface water treatment. Desalination and Water Treatment, 259, pp.90-97.
- Sohaimi, K.S.A., Nasaru, N., Zainol, N.A., Yusoff, N.A., Rohaizad, N.M., Wikurendra, E.A., Ghfar, A.A., Putri, E.B.P., Boopathy, R. and Syafiuddin, A., 2022. Development and application of sewage sludge biochar for the removal of methyl red from water environment. Desalination and Water Treatment, 256, pp.1-10.
- Okwitanti, Y., Syafiuddin, A., Wikurendra, E.A., Ratnasari, A., Putri, E.B.P. and Anshori, M.Y., 2022. Investigation of rainwater quality at different rooftop types: a case study at the large Islamic Boarding School in Madura. Desalination and Water Treatment, 256, pp.217-220.
- Wikurendra, E.A., Nurika, G., Herdiani, N. and Lukiyono, Y.T., 2022. Evaluation of the commercial bio-activator and a traditional bio-activator on compost using Takakura Method. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 23(6).
- Lolo, J.A., Ambali, D.P.P., Jefriyanto, W., Handayani, D., Afridah, W., Wikurendra, E.A., Amalia, R. and Syafiuddin, A., 2022. Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite derived from milkfish bone by simple heat treatments. Biointerface Res. Appl. Chem, 12(2), p.2440.
- Wikurendra, E.A., Rabbani, M.S. and Nurika, G., 2021. Association Between Lighting Level to Subjective Complaints of Visual Fatigue on Operators in the Auto Welder Section. Indonesian Journal of Occupational Safety and Health 10(2), pp. 218–223.
- Fakhira, A.D., Pawitra, A.S., Diyanah, K.C., Wikurendra, E.A., Nagy, I. and Abdeljawad, N.S.M., 2021. Awareness of doing 3M (wearing mask, physical distancing, washing hands) during pandemic era in rural and urban families. Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan, 13(2), pp. 94–101.
- Wikurendra, E.A., Crismiati, M. and Nurika, G., 2021. Relation of Parasites in Soil with The Existence of Parasites on Farmer’s Nails. Indonesian Journal of Medical Laboratory Science and Technology, 3(1), pp.47-55.
- Pratiwi, T.S., Wikurendra, E.A., Yudhastuti, R. and Mirasa, Y.A., 2021. Preventive Behavior Towards Maya Index at DHF Endemic Area. Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan, 13(1), pp. 1–8.
- Wikurendra, E.A., Herdiani, N., Tarigan, Y.G. and Kurnianto, A.A., 2021. Risk factors of pulmonary tuberculosis and countermeasures: A literature review. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9(F), pp.549-555.
Research Grants and Consultancy Projects
- 2025: Mapping and optimizing carbon circularity and climate impact of regional waste and residue management based on recovery and recycling technologies. (as Member of research). Funding from Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme.
- 2024: Mapping Readiness of Local Governments in Implementation of Policies For No Smoking Area, East Java Province. (as Member of research). Funding from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Pusat Ekonomi dan Bisnis Syariah Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia.
- 2023: Appraisal of plant microbe interaction on soil and plants grown in salt affected conditions. (as Member of research). Funding from ASEAN-India Science, Technology & Innovation Cooperation.
- 2023: Effectiveness of tobacco tax policy changes on purchasing tobacco products and smoking behavior. (as Member of research). Funding from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Pusat Ekonomi dan Bisnis Syariah Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia.
- 2023: Human health risk and food safety implications of microplastic consumption by seafood. (as Member of research). Funding from Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya and Walailak University.
- 2023: Prevalence of internet addiction and associated risk factors: comparison of university students in Indonesia and Malaysia. (as Member of research). Funding from Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya and Universiti Putra Malaysia.
- 2023: Development of a sustainable logistics management model for food waste minimization. (as Project Leader). Funding from Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya.
- 2022: Solution of agriculture organic waste and food waste using black soldier fly larvae in Hungary. (as Project Leader). Funding from Danube Rector Conference.
- 2022: Forecast of waste generated and waste fleet in Sukolilo District, Surabaya City, Indonesia. (as Project Leader). Funding from Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya.
- 2021: Development and evaluation of rainwater harvesting system for large private institution. (as Member of research). Funding from Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya.
- 2021: Evaluation of the commercial bio-activator and a traditional bio-activator on compost using takakura method. (as Project Leader). Funding from Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya.
- 2021: Water quality analysis of Pucang River, Sidoarjo Regency to control water pollution. (as Project Leader). Funding from Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya.
- 2021: Fate and mechanism of antibiotic resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes in anaerobic digestion of wastewater treatment plant. (as Member of research). Funding from Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya.
- 2021: Evaluation of Readiness Mapping and Policy Recommendations for the East Java Provincial Government as a Halal Product Guarantee Organizer. (as Member of research). Funding from Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Food and Nutrition.
- 2020: Development of a model of local government readiness assessment system in handling and controlling the Covid-19 pandemic. (as Member of research). Funding from National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia.
- 2020: Utilization of black soldier fly (Hermetia Illucens) larvae as a treatment for organic waste problems. (as Project Leader). Funding from Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Indonesia.